The EU Commission fines Guess almost €40 million for anticompetitive agreements to block cross-border sales

The European Commission has fined Guess for restricting retailers from online advertising and selling cross-border to consumers in other Member States in breach of article 101 of TFEU. Because of Guess cooperation with the Commission, a reduction of the fine by 50% has been applied and the fine imposed amounts to €39.821.000,00. The Commission opened…

The EU Commission fines the BEH Group € 77 million for blocking access to key natural gas infrastructure in Bulgaria

The European Commission has fined the Bulgarian Energy Holding (“BEH”), its gas supply subsidiary Bulgargaz and its gas infrastructure subsidiary Bulgartransgaz (“the BEH group”) €77.068.000,00 for blocking competitors’ access to key gas infrastructure in Bulgaria in breach of article 102 of TFEU. The Commission opened a formal investigation into the BEH Group’s behaviour on July…

The GC reduces Servier’s fine by more than Euro 100 million

In case T-691/14, the General Court of the European Union (the “GC”) has reduced Servier’s fine for abuse of dominance position through a pay-for-delay practice by €102.67 million. According to the GC, the European Commission (the “Commission”) incorrectly defined the relevant market and it erroneously limited the market to perindopril, while it should have included…

The CJEU rules on the application of jurisdiction clauses in action for antitrust damages

In case Apple Sales International et al. v. MJA (acting as liquidator of (C-595/17), the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) has recently affirmed that a jurisdiction clause is applicable to an action for damages brought by a distributor against its supplier for antitrust damages, despite it does not expressly refer to disputes…

Google fined €4.34 billion for illegal practices regarding Android mobile devices

On 18 July, 2018, the European Commission fined Google a record €4.3 billion fine for imposing restrictions on Android device makers and mobile network operators. It must now put an end to this conduct within 90 days or face penalty payments. The commission’s Directorate-General for Competition formally launched the investigation in 2015, after receiving several…

Cartel settlements: the European Commission fines maritime car carriers and car parts suppliers a total of €546 million

  On February 21, 2018, in three separate settlement decisions, the European Commission fined four maritime car carriers €395 million, two suppliers of spark plugs €76 million, and two suppliers of braking systems €75 million for having concluded anti-competitive agreements in breach of article 101 TFEU. I. Maritime car carriers The Commission found that the…

The European Commission fines Qualcomm €997 million for exclusivity rebates

The European Commission has fined Qualcomm €997m for abusing its market dominance in LTE baseband chipsets. According to the Commission, its exclusivity rebates with Apple illegally shut out rivals from the 4G baseband chipsets market. Baseband chipsets are used in smartphones and tablets to connect them to mobile networks for voice and data transmission. LTE…