GIAN ANTONIO BENACCHIO, University of Trento

MICHELE CARPAGNANO, University of Trento


MASSIMO SCUFFI, Magistrato di Cassazione, Presidente Tribunale di Aosta

MARINA TAVASSI, Magistrato di Cassazione, Presidente della Sec. Spec. Impresa, Tribunale di Milano


Louise Aberg, Lawyer, Parigi

Giorgio Afferni, University of Genova

Amaya Angulo Garzaro, PhD Candidate, Universidad de Deusto, Bilbao – Visiting Researcher Osservatorio Antitrust, Trento

Gaia Anna Maria Bellomo, LUISS University and trainee at Milan Court

Bölcskei Kinga, Attorney, Budapest

Laetitia Bourgeix, Attorney, London – Rome

Carlo Edoardo Cazzato, Phd, Lawyer, Rome

Roberto Cervone, Lear, Rome

Alberto Corduas, Phd Candidate, Paris

Vittorio Cerulli Irelli, Phd, Lawyer, Milan

Pierluigi Congedo, King’s College, London

Carolina Cunha, Universidade Coimbra

Aleksandra Danielewicz, Attorney, Warasw

Niccolo Della Bianca, In house Legal Counsel, Enel, Rome

Claudia Desogus, University of Bologna

Ciro Favia, In house Legal Counsel, Enel, Rome

Francesco Galietti, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Boston

Madeleine Healy, Solicitor of England & Wales, Brussels

Kiti Karvinen, Attorney, Helsinki

Elisabeth König, Attorney, Vienna

Francesca Ienca, PhD, Lawyer, Rome

Raimbaut Lacoeuilhe, Lawyer, Parigi

Lionel Lesur, Lawyer Parigi – Roma

Claudio Lombardi, Higher School of Economics, University of Trento

Antonio López Miño, Antitrust Authority of Galizia, Santiago di Compostela

Klaudia Majcher, Phd, IES, Brussel

Antonietta Majoli, Lawyer, Rome

Francisco Marcos, Instituto de Empresa, Madrid

Mattia Melloni, Administrator, Luxembourg Antitrust Authority

Luca Montani, University of Trento

Ingrid Soraya Ortiz Baquero, Universidad Autonoma, Madrid

David Ottolenghi, Lawyer, Milan

Álmos Papp, Attorney, Budapest

Dario Paschetta, Lawyer, Torino

Alvaro Pascual, President Sec. Competition, Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Madrid, Lawyer, Madrid.

Gian Maria Pesce, Trainee Lawyer, Bologna

Patricia Perez Fernandez, PhD Candidate, Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha / Max Planck Institute Munich

Aldo Pignataro , PhD Candidate, Milano

Monica Retrosi, Università di Genova

Elena Rossello, Lawyer, Torino

Paola Rubiano, Universidad del País Vasco, San Sebastian

Miguel Sousa Ferro, Attorney, Lisbona

Julia Suderow, Rechtsanwältin, Celle, Germany – Abogada, Madrid

Igor Taccani, Lawyer, Référendaire at the Court of First Instance in Luxembourg [temporary on leave]

Dimitris Temperis, Lawyer, Atene

Horacio Vedia Jerez, PhD Candidate, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid